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AMMA is proud to announce our Meadery Spotlight for April: Liquid Alchemy Beverages!

Straight out of Wilmington, Delaware, LAB has been serving award-winning meads and ciders since 2016. For a little more on their history here’s co-owner (and current AMMA treasurer) Terri Sorantino’s thoughts directly from their website!:

“I had no idea that the journey we started in 2012 would take us from experimental bottles all over our kitchen and basement to a full demolition and resurrection of an old roofing building.  After four long years of going from idea to creation (and many days of blood, sweat and tears) we are more than overjoyed to finally present Liquid Alchemy Beverages.  

I love to cook and experiment with new flavors which was my release from the sometimes dreary world of tax accounting! When we started experimenting and home brewing I was immediately hooked. My entrepreneurial spirit exploded and I was thrilled when we decided to go pro.  It’s been a long, fascinating road and we learn something new every day.  My favorite part is sharing what we’ve learned and sharing our meads and ciders.”


Shop LAB’S online store (shipping to over 30 states!)